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Don't make decisions from emotions or temporary impulses

Writer's picture: kdiva5354kdiva5354

Taking a page out of “21 Principles For A Better Life" by Miyamoto Musashi, He speaks on making decisions based on a real understanding of self & circumstances.

We all make decisions based on our emotions from time to time, Whether it's a big decision like choosing a career. or something small like deciding on what to eat for lunch. Our emotions can often cloud our judgment. When we let our emotions rule our decisions, we're more likely to make choices that we will later regret.

When we find ourselves in a high-emotion state, our brains are flooded with hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can impair our judgment and make us more likely to act impulsively. For example, if we're feeling angry, we might lash out at someone who doesn't deserve it. Or, if we're feeling excited, we might make a risky decision, like gambling all of our money away.

On the other hand, when we're in a low-emotion state, we might come across as inconsiderate or rude. This is because we're not as motivated to connect with others or to take their feelings into account. For example, if we're feeling depressed, we might not return someone's phone call or text message. Or, if we're feeling anxious, we might avoid social situations altogether.

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't make decisions based on emotions:

Emotions can cloud your judgment.

When you're feeling strong emotions, it's hard to think clearly. You're more likely to make impulsive decisions that you'll regret later.

Emotions can lead to biases

(Click to Read blog regarding how biases can affect your life)

When you're feeling emotional, you're more likely to focus on the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positive ones. This can lead to you making decisions that are not in your best interests.Emotions can lead to regret. When you make a decision based on emotion, you're more likely to regret it later. This is because you didn't take the time to think things through and consider all of your options.

Reacting on impulse or out of pure emotions can be detrimental to yourself & present and future relationships. Here are a few tips to avoid making decisions based on emotions:


Throughout my writings you will hear me speak on the importance of breathing. Something so simple, we take for granted. Breathing can help you become steady in difficult situations. Breathing can help regulate your emotions. Lastly, breathing can help you stay in the moment. (click To learn more benefits of breathing and the importance of staying in the moment)

Take some time to cool down.

If you're feeling emotional, it's important to take some time to calm down before making a decision. It's ok to tell the other person "wait" as you get your emotions together. This will allow you to think more clearly and make a better decision based on your desires.

Talk to someone you trust.

Sometimes it can be helpful to talk to someone you trust about a decision you're facing. They can help you see things from a different perspective and offer advice. Once you've calmed down, take some time to make a list of the pros and cons of each option. This will help you weigh your options and make a more informed decision.

Learn to manage your emotions

(See the blog on how "how to manage your emotions)

Sleep on it.

I can not stress the importance of sleep. When you are fully rested, all fog seems to dissipate and you tend to have a clearer mind. When you wake up, you are less attached to your initial emotion and able to make a better choice.

Making decisions can be difficult, especially when there are multiple options to choose from. However, once you have made a decision, it is important to feel comfortable and confident about it. This does not mean that you will never have any doubts or second-guesses, but it does mean that you should be able to trust your judgment and move forward with your decision.

Here are some additional tips for making better decisions:

Be clear about your goals.

What do you want to achieve with your decision? Once you know your goals, you can start to weigh your options and make a choice that is most likely to help you achieve them.

Take your time.

Don't rush into a decision. Take the time to think things through and make sure you're making the best choice for yourself.

Trust your gut.

Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut feeling. If you have a strong feeling about one option, don't ignore it.

Once you have made a decision, it is important to stick with it. Don't second-guess yourself or try to change your mind. If you do, you will only make yourself more stressed and uncertain. Instead, focus on moving forward and making the best of your decision And watch how things start to line up for you.

Remember, no decision is perfect. There will always be some uncertainty and risk involved. However, if you have taken the time to make a thoughtful decision, you can feel confident that you have made the best choice for you.


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